Cialis for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Tadalafil Tablets)

Before obtaining Generic Cialis at Canadian pharmacy, it is important for your doctor to explore alternative treatments for your erectile dysfunction (ED). For example, if anxiety is identified as a contributing factor, your healthcare provider should assist you in managing it before considering a prescription for Cialis or similar medications.

The effectiveness of the product in treating erectile dysfunction is well-established and supported by clinical trials and research. They showed that the problem got better, and the symptoms of the issue were reduced. That is why you should not have any doubts about the use of the drug.

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How should you take Generic Cialis?

The dosage you will be having ought to be discussed with the doctor. There is just no other way if you do not want to hurt your body. Here is what will be taken into account when making a decision about the dose that will be suggested:

  • Your age;
  • Whether you have taken Cialis before;
  • Issue you want to solve with the help of Cialis;
  • Current medical conditions that characterize your health.

Most doctors start the therapy with the smallest doses possible and see how the patient’s body will react to it. When you visit the doctor to decide what dosage is okay for you, you need to tell them about the health problems you have. Do not try to hide anything because it may result in great problems later.

First of all, you need to know that you will take Cialis only when it is necessary. The average amount is 10 mg before sexual activity. If the effect of the medication on your body is too strong, the doctor may change the dosage to 5 mg. On the contrary, if 10 mg does not seem to be enough, the doctor is likely to increase the dosage and prescribe 20 mg to you.

Note that you should not take Cialis more often than once a day.

Side effects

Like any drug, Cialis is also characterized by some side effects it can have on the human body. All of them can be divided into two groups: mild and serious ones.

As for the mild ones, here they are:

  • Pain in the muscles;
  • Acid reflux;
  • Headache;
  • Flushing (warmth and redness of the skin);
  • Nasal congestion, etc.

Here is a list of the serious side effects:

  • Loss of vision;
  • Trouble with hearing or ringing in the ears;
  • Strong allergic reaction;
  • Long-lasting erection (you experience it for more than 4 hours);
  • Fluctuations of blood pressure.

If you observe side effects, it’s better to consult with the doctor. This especially refers to the strong ones. Postponing medical help, in this case, can result in great problems with your health. That is why you should not risk this way and call emergency as soon as you see one of the effects listed above.

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